Tag Archives: new normal

The New Normal isn’t so normal…

I keep hearing people talking about this new normal. Well, I’m not finding it so “normal”. Are you?

This week is a fine example. Talking to the college for my son. As some of you know he’s on the “spectrum” for Autism. Instead of discussing a campus visit, possible course load, tuition, applications, the “normal” the discussion is about masks, staggard move ins, social distancing, sanitizing stations, distance exams, etc…?!?! Wait…what??? The list of required supplies now includes: Masks (at least 2 reusable), hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, disinfectant cleaners for the dorms, OTC pain relievers/fever reducers, a good thermometer for temperature checks, etc etc. Is he going to college or a third world country mission trip??? NONE of that is normal!!

As if that isn’t enough, I take the two year old for his two year check up – 2 months late due to … you guessed it, Covid 19. We only get through the first door and sure enough temperature check and masks, and of course, hand sanitizer. Have you tried sanitizing a two year olds hands?? Try to keep it out of their mouth, while making them stand on the 6 feet away circle. Go ahead, i’ll wait. Still waiting… Exactly. Let’s not even discuss filling out that cute little form and the waiting room. Heads up CDC and governors: 2 year olds do not social distance. They don’t care what you say or think. They’re going to hug that other little kid to say hello. It’s just what they do. They don’t care about distancing and pandemics, they don’t care about race or color, or religion. They only care that there’s another little kid of somewhat equal size in that room that appears to have a similar interest and they’re going in.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was proud of my two year old. I didn’t give a rat’s butt about that form either. I had put on the stupid mask, and sanitized my hands. I sat smiling behind the mask and simply said “remember to take turns little man” as he trucked on over saying “hello” and started talking  away to the other little kids, holding up his little fist to bump the little boy then hug the little girl sitting in the chair before he proceeded on to the frog on the wall with the other little girl. As a side note that I found interesting, he bypassed the little white boy sitting to the side with his dad staring at the other kids in an unfriendly manner and went to the play area. Kids don’t see color. They see beyond it. They see people. They see what’s inside. He saw friends, common ground. He fist bumped the little boy because the guys in his life do that with him and his dad.

Kids pick up on what they hear and see from the adults in their life. He sees everyone being treated the same no matter the color or race so he doesn’t pay any attention, doesn’t notice a difference, just if you’re a boy or girl. But boy, did I get some nasty and shocked looks!!! It wasn’t like that 8 months ago when I was there. So not normal. I now have people whispering about my motives and reasonings for smiling at non-white people of all things! What the hell is that about??  I smile at everyone and say hello or hi. Always have! I’ve always been of the mindset that you don’t know what someone may be going through, and a simple smile may be the one bright spot in their day. I’ve had it be that in mine. I’ve had a smile from a stranger change my entire day before. So no, there’s NOTHING NORMAL about that.

What do you think of this new normal? What is it like where you live? Are parks and playgrounds open?