Tag Archives: friendship

Where has all the laughter gone, the humor, the fun?

Where have all the friendships gone, the jokes, the sun?

Everyone is angry, intollerance abounds.

Everyone’s in a mask, waving signs, speaks in a shout.

No one wants to hear you. There’s is the only right way.

Agree with them completely, You have nothing to say.

The skys are always grey, rain’s always coming down.

Everywhere I turn most everyone’s wearing a frown.

What’s happened to society, where have ethics gone?

What happened to morals and dignity, what happened to right and wrong?

Face the challenges we’re given, play the hand we’re dealt. Don’t pass the blame along .



I‘ve learned a lot about friendships throughout the years; the different types, reasoning’s, and duration’s. I’ve also learned when its time to let them go.
Some friendships have a purpose, coming from necessity, while others are formed on common ground. Some come natural, others are sought after. There are those that need continuous work, some frequently need repair, and still others seem nearly trouble free.
Some can endure, others can’t. As time passes some friendships fade; the people change and grow, some move away, life takes a front seat and not all friendships can stand the test of time. Still others are let go not because of the friends themselves, but because of others out of respect. The friend may not fit with the lifestyle or partner. Not all friendships have the special bond that withstands all. Still other times the friendship means more to one than the other.
There are also those fair-weather friends. The ones you see or hear from when things are going well. When times are tough they tend to be no where around. All friendships, however, have a purpose, even if it’s merely a lesson to be learned. Everyone comes into your life for a reason.
Knowing when to let go is often one of the hardest parts. It’s not always evident at first, but it is necessary to take stock of your circle of friends from time to time. Life is too short and precious to spend it being a doormat or conversation piece for supposed friends; being used, and taken advantage of by said friends. Modern technology has ensured there’s no excuse for not hearing from them, even if it’s only a text saying hello or a poke on Facebook.
I’ve learned that our circle of friends tends to change as we change and grow. As our interests and priorities change not everyone we’ve been close with will change and evolve in the same way or time-frame. Not everyone “fits”. It’s not that we don’t like them anymore; it may simply be that hanging out in the bar doesn’t work when you have a 3 year old and an early morning at work. It also doesn’t mean that the friendship has to die, it just means that the friends need to adapt, and not all will.
Just know you are not alone if you are doing some friends circle “housecleaning”. It is a task we all have to do. No matter how sad or painful it may seem, you will always have the memories, or whatever lesson it was they crossed your path to teach you.