I’m still here…

Hello dear ones. I apologize for my absense. Life came along and took over, in the form of an adorable toddler, and then my diseases, along with the holidays, and tragically…the death of our dearly loved Grandfather right before Thanksgiving.

The holidays just  weren’t the same as you can imagine, as they’ve always been centered around Grandpa, so losing him two days before a significant one, well, it was more going through the motions to say we did it than anything. It’s been an endless stream of family members we haven’t seen since Grandma passed five years ago popping in and out, voicing opinions, collecting their pieces, and leaving mom and us to deal with the important nitty gritty stuff, while trying to deal with the loss, and continue with our daily lives.

The thing is – you can’t truly begin to heal from the loss until all of the other stuff is settled. There’s just too many reminders. You’re going through photos, sorting out belongings, going through literally every aspect of the persons life; old memories come back, new things are often learned, and your emotions are kept raw and at the surface until it’s finished. It’s easier for some, for those that live far away, because they can come into town, give their respects, swap some stories, and go home and begin the healing process; but for those that are here, that are hands on dealing with every aspect of it, well, it’s a whole different story; A very emotional, painful story.

So that’s been a big chunk of my last few months; along with an arthritis flare up, a fibro flare up, and now we’ve added Acid Reflux to the mix. My Osteo Arthritis is progressing it seems in my hands/thumb area, and in my knee. My hands were out of service for a couple weeks. And now my grandson we’re raising has hit the point of being very active and turning into a true monkey! There’s nothing he won’t climb and nothing he is afraid of…a dangerous combination at 22 months. Needless to say, I don’t have a lot of free time, especially while trying to run a business.

Frankly, I  think I’ve been too mentally tired to think or form proper sentences lately, as my sleep habits have been deplorable. My insomnia has really been kicking up as well. Mentally I’m exhausted, but I just cant seem to wind down and turn off my brain to go to sleep. If I could stay on one thought long enough I could  get some writing done, but I can’t even do that, my thoughts just jump all over the place.

But bare with me, I’m working on it! Feel free to share  your stories and experiences with any of this too. It’s always nice to know you’re not alone!

Until next time,

The GreenLady

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